For more than 40 years, families have been turning to MAM for help during times of crisis, including hurricanes, floods, fires, loss of jobs, medical emergencies, etc. MAM is dedicated to providing immediate and long-term support to those affected by these devastating events.
Through MAM's Disaster Relief & Recovery Fund, impacted families receive financial assistance for basic needs; gas, clothing, and furniture vouchers; rent and utility assistance; and help related to disaster-related recovery and rebuilding efforts as they work to rebuild their lives and communities.
We are currently offering assistance for the following disasters:
Damage from the storms of May 16, 2024
What kind of help is available?
MAM offers the following services remotely:
Basic Needs Assistance
Employment Services
Financial Education and Coaching
Mental Health Counseling
Immigration Legal Services
English or Spanish
Some services may be zip-code based. Please click here to view a map/list of zip-codes served.
Algunos servicios estan basado en codigo postal. Favor de hacer click aqui para mapa/lista de codigos postales servidos.
FEMA Disaster Assistance Available for Texans
Texans who sustained damage from the recent severe storms, straight-line winds, tornadoes, and flooding that began April 26 may be eligible for disaster assistance under FEMA’s Individuals and Households Program. Currently, residents living in Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, Polk, San Jacinto, Trinity and Walker counties may be eligible for disaster assistance.
FEMA’s disaster assistance offers new benefits that provide flexible funding directly to survivors when needed the most. In addition, a simplified process and expanded eligibility allows Texans access to a wider range of assistance and immediate funds for serious needs.
New Benefits for Immediate Funds
Serious Needs Assistance, a $750 payment for households for essential items will now be provided in all disasters receiving Individual Assistance to help people make ends meet.
Displacement Assistance, a new benefit that will provide people with up-front funds to assist with immediate housing options of their choice, to keep people housed.
From the Greater Houston Disaster Alliance:
If you are dealing with damage from a natural disaster,
Complete the Connective Survey to connect to local resources and other recovery organizations for the specific assistance you need.
Complete the iSTAT Damage Survey to report damages to the State of Texas to gather information for potential state and federal resources.
Call 2-1-1 and 3-1-1: Harris County and City of Houston residents can call 3-1-1 for information on transportation, infrastructure, debris pick up, and other services. For post-incident support and other needs, residents can call 2-1-1 for assistance.
Families can share their information with Crisis Cleanup: Call 832-509-2977 (“SE Texas Storms”). Nonprofit organizations registered with Crisis Cleanup log on to identify the residents’ needs and potentially help them. Crisis Cleanup is about short-term help.