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Lessons from Liz: A Wise Mother

Writer: MAM HoustonMAM Houston

A Sunday School class was going to help a family in need with holiday gifts. Normally everyone contributes to gift cards for the special family. This particular mother asked for gift certificates to MAM Resale because she could buy more there. Wow! This was a lesson for us all. I could tell that she was very budget minded. Of course we obliged!

I have found that the nicest gifts that I have received have been kind words and a pleasant time. Time is what we can give our children during the holidays. Movies can be checked out from your library. No cost, just a library card. The only thing needed is proof of address.

Do you have a holiday puzzle or a favorite board game? Serve popcorn and you have a fun evening. During the day, go to a different park every day. Have the children research different parks in the area and spend each day at a different park weather permitting. As for meals, give each child a different grocery flyer and ask them to plan a meal for 10 dollars. Best menu wins!

Sometimes the greatest gift is simply to remind ourselves of the blessings in our lives.

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