I am of the generation that has probably had the least amount of technology in their lives. However, I pride myself on being able to find the "off "and"on" button of most electrical gadgets. That is about it. How unnerving to see a stroller with a toddler in it using a tablet. For my son, I just made sure that I had bags of Cheerios with me!
In order that every child has a chance with electronics, AT&T and Comcast have special offers for people who qualify for "SNAP." They offer reduced internet rates and may help with reduced computer prices. Even better, MAM offers basic computer training for job seekers at no cost. They will help you learn email set-up and use, and how to use the internet for job search. People always ask if they give tests. My answer is that I am no longer affiliated with anything that gives tests (other than blood work for a physical). The goal of MAM is to make you feel comfortable and not fearful. They have an Orientation every day at 10:00 a.m. so just come before 10:00 and sign in at the front desk.
I have taken free computer classes at the library but something happened so that I never got to Part 2. I did receive complements from the instructor about the tenth time that I took Part 1. She noted that I seemed to have a better understanding of what was happening. The library has its own computers so that you can learn without have to bring a computer, just like MAM.
MAM strives to make you successful. Come see all the opportunities for learning that they provide. Who knows—I might be sitting next to you in the computer room.