We are excited to announce the creation of MAM Literacy Advance Services! This department will encompass the programs of English (ESL) Classes, Citizenship Classes, GED Classes and a new program, Digital Literacy.

Colleen Mayer has been named as Director of Literacy Advance Services. She previously served as the Program Manager at our West Campus after having been with Literacy Advance of Houston for several years. MAM acquired Literacy Advance of Houston in late 2018, and this is a way of honoring their well-respected legacy by creating one department that encompasses all of MAM’s literacy programs under one umbrella.
While traditionally the word “literacy” is thought to be the ability to read and write, more contemporary definitions state that literacy include the ability to communicate and the comprehension of language, numbers and concepts. We believe that to be able to function in society today, individuals must be literate in English and on digital platforms. To become a US citizen, one must become literate in US civics. To get a good paying job, one must be literate and also have a GED. MAM Literacy Advance Services will provide individuals with the resources to achieve these goals!
Currently, ESL and Citizenship classes are continuing to be held remotely. GED classes, which are offered at MAM by Harris County Department of Education, are also being held remotely for the time being. Digital Literacy is a new program and curriculum is currently being developed.
For updates and information, please visit mamhouston.org/literacyadvance