Want to make a difference while staying home? Consider some of these ideas!
Volunteer at your local food pantry until you can return to MAM! Many of them are short on volunteers.
Set a goal and commit to volunteer a certain amount of hours or days when MAM reopens.
Be a virtual or tele-tutor for a student
Think of 1 person you know who could be a potential MAM volunteer and invite them when we return to work!
Are you a current Employment Services or ESL Volunteer? Help us call recent grads and check in with them!
Buy MAM Resale gift certificates to use when we reopen, give as gifts or to donate to your church for members in need.
Purchase with Purpose! Shop MAM Resale online and Facebook Live! (mamhouston.org/resale & facebook.com/mamresale)
Donate items to MAM when we reopen! We are especially in need of the following:
Kitchenware: We helped many families after the Watson explosion and are in need of kitchen items such as pots, pans, silverware, small appliances (blenders, toasters, etc) and small utensils like spatulas, etc.
Children’s Clothing: Especially for boys sizes toddler and up.
Start or give to a Facebook fundraiser for MAM and ask friends, family and coworkers to help.
Make a personal gift to MAM to help care for our community’s most vulnerable families.
Send cash or grocery store gift cards to MAM to give to families in need.
Send the link for MAM’s website to your friends (www.mamhouston.org)
Follow MAM on social media! Like, add meaningful comments and share our stories so others can learn about our good work in the community. (MAM is on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn!)
Share MAM’s announcements that we are still operating during this crisis in your neighborhood bulletin or Nextdoor app.
Looking for a way to reconnect after social distancing is no longer required? Organize a group of friends to come to MAM for a resale volunteer night or a coffee/happy hour tour once we are open! Sign up now at mamhouston.org/tour
If your church isn’t already a MAM member, nominate them to be considered or visit MAM’s facility when we reopen.
Post a favorite memory of MAM or your favorite activity at MAM. (tag us! @mamhouston #mamhouston)
Post photos of your favorite MAM Resale finds. (tag us! @mamresale #founditatmam)
Cleaning out your house? Post the things you’re donating to MAM when we reopen. (tag us! @mamresale #todonatetomam)
Research employers who are hiring right now and share with those who’ve lost their jobs.
Research reliable resources available related to COVID-19
Say prayers for our community to heal quickly
Make cards of encouragement for those who’ve lost jobs or vulnerable families
Shop for, have groceries delivered or send gift cards to families/neighbors in need.
Make handmade masks at home
Send Thank You notes to the medical service providers.
Support local businesses by buying a gift card to use later.
Don’t forget to take care of yourself too!