Free Tax Preparation
Tax return preparation
ITIN applications and renewals
Who is Eligible?
Families/Individuals earning up to $58,000 per year
Location - MAM Main Campus:
Address: 1625 Blalock, 77080, Houston
When: January 28 through April 15, 2025
Hours: Monday to Friday 1pm -7pm; Saturday 9am - 3pm; Sunday 12pm - 5pm.
No appointment necessary; walk-in service only with limited availability.
What to bring?
Social Security card or ITIN Letters for each family members
Valid Photo ID
IRS and/or Government letters that proof you received Economic Impact Payment (stimulus check) and/or Child Tax Credit advance payment(s)
Check with bank account and routing number
Last year’s tax return
Documentation of income
___ W-2 and 1099 forms for all jobs worked
___ List of checks or cash received for work
___ Interest and Dividends
___ Social Security
___ Unemployment
___ Retirement
Documentation of expenses paid
___ Business expenses and mileage if you worked for yourself
___ Childcare provider name, address, tax ID#
___ Tuition and books for college (form 1098-T if received)
___ Health insurance statement (1095-A) if purchased thru Marketplace
___ Students loan interests
If you own a home or are itemizing
___ Mortgage interest
___ Property taxes
___ Donations to charities
___ Out-of-pocket medical payments
For more information Call: 2-1-1 Texas / United Way HELPLINE Visit:
Offered at MAM by Baker Ripley Community Developers